It all started with two best friends, two brothers, pushed to the same limits, driven by the same ambition, decided to turn their dreams into reality. Without means, we imagined a project bigger than us, but with a clear vision and unwavering determination, we created La Vie de Rêve, much more than a brand thats a real movement.
Our mission? To inspire, motivate, and bring together all those who dream of bigger. Those who refuse mediocrity, who want to succeed at all costs and who are ready to give everything to achieve their goals and escape the matrix. La Vie de Rêve symbolizes this mentality, this state of mind of perseverance and surpassing oneself.
It is a symbol, a way of thinking and living every day.
A force of daily positivity.
A meeting point for those who think differently, outside the box, who dare to dream big and push the limits.

No matter where you come from, no matter the obstacles: if you have a dream, you have the power to make it come true, protect it at all cost until you win. Join the movement. Be part of those who dare, of those who build their own success.
Our brand is the story of those who refuse to follow a pre-determined path.
It is for those who create, who undertake, who believe in their ambitions, who surpass themselves and who want the dream life.
Because we find in the river what we do not find in the sea, innovation is often born where we least expect it.
The dream life is yours.
All you have to do is create it.
Welcome to our universe, so welcome to la vie de rêve.